Tower Brass Community Band
Tower Brass Community Band rehearses every Wednesday from 6.30 to 7.30pm at The Lindley Band HQ in Holly Bank Road.
Community, inclusion and participation are amongst the key words that define being part of this band. It caters for people of all ages, abilities, race, gender and aims to provide a safe, nurturing environment where the participants will learn valuable musical and life skills.
Parents of former band members have been astonished by the progress that individuals have made and the opportunities that have been experienced. They have said that young pupils were given the chance to develop leadership skills, confidence to stand up and play solos and be motivated to play their instruments and hone skills at home.
The group is ideal for adult beginners and those who have played in the past and now wish to return to music – either updating their skills on their original instrument or trying something new.
In a time where music services regularly charge for instrument rental over a term or a year, the Tower band offer participants the opportunity to loan an instrument for free. All that the band require in return is regular participation in rehearsals and, more importantly, to enjoy music making. Music will be provided on a regular basis, providing appropriate levels of challenge to all concerned and development that will be continually assessed to encourage happiness and achievement in equal measure.
Further experiences will be gained from the mentorship from chosen individuals from the main Lindley band. This will involve being mentored in pairs or small groups to help players solve issues away from the main playing band. Additionally guest players from outside of the band will occasionally be asked to give master classes, giving advice and answering questions from the players.
We are looking to expand the mainly brass and drums instrumentation of the group to include wind instruments in the near future. This innovative step is part of a long term programme that is targeted towards getting families to participate in learning and not just individuals. Models around the country demonstrate that parents equally benefit from learning an instrument at the same time as their sons or daughters. It is important to share experiences, regardless of age and have something to look back on with great fondness.
Finally, and most importantly for all of us at Tower Brass, we are here to play, learn and have fun together and enjoy the musical journey, wherever that may take us.